Lunch can be the day's most important meal. When I'm preparing my own lunch the first thing I do is go to Kroger. there I wait in line for the deli counter person to ask me what I want. I usually tell her that I want a fried chicken breast. Sometimes though I will ask for two short thighs. It's important that the chicken be fried. I take this fried chicken and go to the chip and cracker aisle. Jalapeno and cheddar flavored chips are quite tasty. Sometimes I go with sea salt and vinegar. Once I bought cracked black pepper, but this offering underwhelmed me. I take these items to the cashier. At the express line, while I wait behind someone paying for detergent, grape Hi-C, and pork chops with exact change in quarters and pennies, I grab a couple of Diet Cokes. One will probably be sufficient, but I buy two, just in case. What I have is a filling lunch for under seven dollars. I'll finish the chips at my studio while I paint. It's the nirvanic balance of my life.
People say to me, "OK Fred. It's apparent that Jami's superlative cooking skills are influencing your gastronomic sensibilities. What is she gleaning from her brain waves' connection to yours?" I have to admit that this is an astute question. Jami and I have discussed this topic at length while we play Scrabble. And I must say, and she may disagree with me as there might be some contention, but I must say that I believe that my comic sensibility has influenced her.
I say this because one thing I do comedically is laugh at myself. Jami has this same disposition. Remarkable.
Yes, I love to laugh at you too!
P.S. I still can't believe that you beat me in Scrabble last night.
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