Jami is trying to ignore what was a very bad pun, but as you can see her smile is about to erupt in breathless guffaws. Here we are at the auction for the Solarium last evening and my birdhouse is coming up for auction [photo forthcoming]. I can't remember what I said, but instead I'll use an old stand by: we have birds in our chimney, Chimney Swallows, and they're the most amazing birds. They're very tiny and sometimes they fly into the house and Jami gently apprehends them and releases them back into nature. She'll say, " a chimney swallow just got in." and I'll crow, "How a bird that small can swallow a whole chimney I'll never know." It's Gold! and the best part it never gets old. Each telling is just as fresh as the first time.
The woman holding back gales of laughter in the photos above is the most beautiful woman around.
I notice you did not mention that I have beaten you at 3 Scrabble games in a row, one of them by 142 points.
I'm just getting warmed up. I think that I can lose by more. I don't really play for scoring though: I play for the joy of language and creating word associations. Scrabble is a window into the world of archetypes, where symbolism is disclosed in the laying of tiles.
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