On Saturday a chain of circumstances saw us with a kitten: a small bundle of spunk. At first he was lethargic and in need of medical attention, but now he's getting better. He runs very vast, scampering on tiny legs. And he mews a high piercing mew, like some bird of prey - a very tiny condor. He's named Mousey Tongue (pronounced Mao Tze Dung). Our other four cats, Thelma, Louise, Catelina and Cleo, are the gang of four - they stand at the screen door to the screened porch and take turns hissing: it's their motherly instincts - or else territorialism. Jami loves little creatures and she cares for this little fellow. She was gone for a couple of days this week and I took care of the kitten, but I'm not very motherly. This kitten will make some lucky person a wonderful feline companion one day soon. I know it in my bones.
Jami is very lovely. And never so lovely as when I get a double word score and 50 points for "horsier" : the quality of being more horsey.
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