Is is possible for me to write a narrative account of a person's search that comprises a lengthy arc of development, with believable characters, human, flawed, yet sustaining interest, with a supple attention to language? The model for such a thing for me has always been Walker Percy's The Movie Goer. In many ways because I feel I am Binx Boling, movie goer, reader of Kierkegaard, scion of decayed southern yeomanry, facing my own limit experiences: or having faced such things as death, unemployment, disappointment, despair and having grown up in the American South with its own built-in limit experience - loss of The Wah(r) - having faced such things and having emerged out the other side, a sane, calm individual who is learning to take things in stride and not see being cut off in traffic as a throwing down of the gauntlet, an impingement on my honor. But such a narrative I might craft would have to take a different tack all together. No damn southern cliches, or else explode them altogether.
1 comment:
must...not....photoshop this!!!!
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