Thursday, May 31, 2007

Madona and Smoke

I've got to get back to the studio today. Here is a madonna with blunt, casually leaning on the gunnells on the storm tossed sea. I've been working and re-working this image for some months now. Even this moment is different as I've enlarged the baby [not pictured]. I plan a post in the future that will show some of how this image has evolved. The smoke's staying.
I'm reminded looking at this how glorious it is to build up the paint surface. An image is more than the fact of its color relationships - it's also a product of its surface handling ( a fact that is lost to us through an over dependence of photographic reproduction). This is the very reason people should have original art on the wall and not reproductions. Even a real etching has surface qualities (even though it technically is a reproductive medium), as does a dry point. So go out and buy a painting or water color.
I also want to direct people to Jami's comments on my "fountain filled with hemoglobin" and "Today's beautiful smile" posts below.

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