And an Angel came to me and spoke and asked, "Daughter of Man what do you see?" And I said, "I hate to say this but I see a plain full of idiots. I mean they say they love Jesus but it's almost like they've never actually read the gospels. Doesn't Jesus excoriate the wealthy and embrace the prisoner, the poor, the outcast, women, those who society has turned its back on? It seems that this Jesus is just a projection of their own fantasies of escape and denial." And the Angel said, "Sure. Watch this though." And as I looked at the idiots on the plain there was a great trumpet blast, and then from every corner the idiots began to levitate up into the sky. They left behind houses, cars, clothing, pets, soccer balls, iPods, and paraphernalia of all kinds. They levitated towards the clouds singing "yes Jesus love me" and angels were descending to meet them with golden crowns. Then just as they reached about 20000 feet they started dropping like flies. One after another just started hitting the ground like sacks of cement. For an hour, another hour and a half hour and another, the idiots quickly de-levitated back to the ground with resounding thuds. And the thudding of their thuds thundered thunderously back across the plain. And I said, "That was unexpected. Why'd they all come falling back to earth?" And the angel answered me and said, "let's ask this scientist whose articles are published in peer reviewed journals and who doesn't accept money from corporations or conservative think tanks." "Are they the only ones who can speak truth, "I asked incredulously? And the angel responded, "so you'd think."
Then the angel called out to the scientist, a bespeckled woman carrying a clipboard and wearing a smock (and the whiteness of the smock was brighter than the sun, whiter than any fuller can clean them), "hey you, what is the reason for the declension of the idiots?" And the scientist looked up at us and responded saying in response, "it appears they passed out from lack of oxygen and pretty much died when they fell back down to earth." And her voice echoed like a whisper, like the breath of the Spirit, and hovered over the face of the plain.
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