Thursday, May 10, 2007

Last Judgment

In the waning days of this web company I worked for I set up a five foot square canvas in my office. I had a ninth floor office with a floor to ceiling picture window and a view of South Peachtree Creek. On this canvas I painted a memory of the previous spring's trip to Manhattan. This is no particular moment in Greenwich Village but a feeling of what it was like - for me. As I worked on this and as it developed, people would ask me what it was, and I said, "it's a last judgment." Indeed here's a guy checking his watch. But look, people are doing what they're doing - no fiery molten cascades of molten fiery agonized frenzy. Just people spending time being themselves: singing, biking, loving; out with their cats and dogs. No screaming melodramatic lining up for a great white throne. Imagine. Healing and peace - not damnation and fury.

1 comment:

Cathelou said...

Of course--"last judgment" = "no more" judgment going on at last.

Your wife and her keys