Thursday, April 25, 2013

now that I halve your attention

I don't normally repeat - at least consciously; unconsciously is a different thing. Or you can unpack what Deleuze in Difference and Repetition means by "Something isn't repeated because it's unconscious; it becomes unconscious because it's repeated." - or something like that. Anyway, I've taken a couple of things lately and repeated them. This first image is a repetition of an earlier image drawn in Poetry. 

In memory I've lost some of the intensity obtained in a symbol just happening, unpremeditated. I misremembered the central figure as drawing the eye on the page - instead in the drawing, she's reaching for an eye on a page, as a universal eye watches her.

So I'll have to try again. But that is the benefit.

This is not a repetition so much as an instance where I've returned to an image with watercolor and ink. I drew this image on the train leaving Chicago for Schaumberg. Something about the name Mount Prospect struck me. Maybe it was the midwestern fullness of the pre-taped voice announcing the station. 

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