Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A very happy day

I was looking through my photos, and this photo appealed to me: there's my dad - how incredible it is getting him out of the house; there I am, on my graduation day back in May 2006; and there's Jami, her beautiful smile radiating happiness. I look at this photograph and joy floods my soul.


Cathelou said...

That was a happy day. It looks like you're trying to eat my ear again.

I love you.

nostromo said...

I was whispering sweet nothings. Once I thought that reworking that phrase to "sotto voce-ing saccharine nihilisms" would be comic gold. I say it and people just look at me - tumble weeds go by, the sound of crickets dominate the ambient noise. I still don't understand why it wasn't as successful as "how do I love thee/ let me enumerate the directional modes." That had Mark doubled over with laughter in the student union at Brevard one day.