Our vacation had begun on Kiawah, where there are placid waves gently lapping the shore, like a kitten hovering over its milk. During five days there and four days at Oak Island, the ocean cuddled around our ankles and hugged us about the waist, rocking us like infants serene in bassinet. But the last three days of our excursion the ocean displayed its fickle nature and turned on us, Poseidon sending great loads of churning foam shell cracking against the sand caked bluffs of the shore. The wind wailed and blew sand in our hair, building up in our pores. The face of the water occluded and the inhabitants of the beach were shrouded in haze. Heat, wind, sand, salt, wrack, jetsam, haze: all joined together. I sat upon the shore in these days, reading Kierkegaard in an effort to come to terms with nature's changes. All too soon I retreated back to the beach house where I water colored.
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