Jami, thankfully, loves puns. She may aver otherwise, but, as I was telling someone today, eating blue cheese burgers with bacon at the Brick Store, Michael McLaughlin, I think, who I was telling, describing our cats, which Jami had named, of which two, Thelma and Louise, refer to a movie, which Michael found hilarious, not the movie, but the naming of the cats, and two, Catalina and Cleocatra, both "cat" puns, that it would seem that she protests too vociferously about my puns, when she entertains the habit on her own and nurtures her own wordplay.
[a 92 word sentence: hold the applause, a tour de force of syntax, a taxing of syntactical tacticianation; a grammar phone home about] She had a pun for me tonight on the phone, which I can't recall right now, but I'm sure that she remembers. What I did come up with was this idea that in the Old Testament, ancient Israel, olden Palestine, that huge mobs would form on the seventh day, causing no end of interference with human intercourse, and these mobs would prowl the country side, sightseeing as it were, but causing societal breakdowns; all this because of these wandering groups on the seventh day, and so these so called "sabbath-tours" had to be stopped.
Look at that smile up there. That is the most beautiful smile in the world. And she's bringing that smile here this Friday.
I'm smiling at you from Durham. I wish I could remember that pun because it was very good.
The Wife
I am led to think, when I read such sentences, given as they are to many clauses and (dare I say) subclauses, that more attention should be given to, among other worthy things, written expression of the English language, which, by itself is a good, if tedious endeavor (the teaching, that is, not the language). So only fifty some words in that.
But I digress. What was my point?
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