Tomorrow morning I believe we'll hit the road. Right now, we're a bit under the weather and involved with settling some things here. But soon enough the road will beckon us and we'll wend our way eastward to Charleston. In some ways we prefer just resting here at home, spending time with the cats, reading and writing. I bought a suitcase with little skate wheels yesterday, and now I do not fear how heavy my bag is. I think lugging my bags from Gatewick to the train station and then lugging them through MARTA when we rearrived back and to the house from East Lake station told me that my wheeless bag was no fun: also Jami seemed untaxed as she rolled her bag behind her. I thought to myself: I've got to get one of those. And now I do. The temptation of the rolly bag is to go ahead and bring more books. I'm up to 30 now. Knowing what I wrote just last night, I've must cull this collection in two. How does a person only take 15 books. Do I go without Barth? perish! Do I leave some poetry behind? Of Kierkegaard, Zizek, Jones Theological Grammar - what do I put back on the shelf? And the Hebrews commentaries? Don't I need them for writing my sermon? Or the Luke commentary, just in case I change my mind and go with the Luke passage about Jesus sending Fire. And I've been looking forward to reading Whedbee's Comic vision of the Bible - which is due back at the CTS library the day I get back. Plus I was going to bring some fiction: Amis's London Fields, Pynchon's V, O'Brien's The Poor Mouth. Plus I'm bringing some water color paper, paints and brushes. And I am thinking maybe I'll stash some DVDs for that giant TV set at the beach house. And then I've got these clothes to wear.
Right now my nose is running awfully. It's gotten worse as the morning has progressed. Nothing to do but shut my eyes.
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