Meanwhile Jami is reading the last Harry Potter (while I'm watching the movie). I think she's at the point where Harry confronts Colonel Mustard in the Study with a Horcrux. The knife fight scene, on the run away train's roof, through the alpine pass guarded by pygmy warriors heaving their long spears, as Hermione pilots a flaming dirigible (is it a rigid or semi-rigid airship?) onto the train to rescue Harry and Ron from Voldemort and his ninja assassin window cleaners is next [and I should say that this scene is almost entirely my conjecture - but Jami assures me that I'm unusually prescient]. Somehow it all ends with the three of them at the train station. A train pulls in with a group of young people playing guitars and accordions; a young girl turns to the three of them and says, "bona sera."
The priestly source and the Deuteronomist walk into a bar on the banks of the Euphrates, after a couple of beers they're singing a song of Zion. "In the beginning", they said, "there was tohu wobohu," and an evening breeze blew across the river face. They asked for a light, and it was good. PS looks at D and says, "so does the snake come in yet?" They eat a plate of fish and a plate of vegetables. The bartender comes by and says, "you two have to leave. It's getting late." So PS and D left the garden on the banks of the Euphrates and wandered among the closing bistros, seeing if they could find one more place to drink one more drink. PS looks at D and says, "for all the people here, at times I don't Noah soul."
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