In the Movie Goer, Binx Boling says in the conclusion of the book that he's entering the 30th year of his life's arc, and that statement seemed to me then, as now, to describe well the sensation of being on a flight - that life has a course that motivates like a physical law, that arches from under and outward from me in a way incalculable. I've taken the time to destroy old journals today. At some point I've discovered that the past must be looked in the eye and thrown away. As a Southerner I've been brought up to believe otherwise, but I believe my upbringing was misguided in that point. Or I should say that we're encouraged to kick among the embers of the past, in so far as those embers have to do with lost causes. In so far as those embers have to do with family secrets - well forget those. It's the secrets though that press against our lives without reason. As in the movie Cold Comfort Farm, our elders have all seen something awful in the woodshed - and we all have to pay!
Mythology has the story of a family secret: the Minotaur, the son of queen Jocasta and the bull of Poseidon, is imprisoned in the Labyrinth - at the center of his existence folded back again and again on himself. The secret (this minotaur) devours the children of Thessaly until Theseus discovers and exposes the secret. That's what systems theory teaches: that secrets focus anxiety onto individuals and away from ourselves - in so doing, we don't develop ourselves and we build instability into the system.
The top photo is of Jami and Me. In 47 years, this is the best year of my life.
1 comment:
Nice going on the old age thing.
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