But a repairman's bible, if it were to model the actual bible, the biblical bible, should begain with a mythic saga of origins, contain a quasi-historical etiological tale of how the device to be repaired came to be, that the device has in fact been 'exiled' (scrapped, broken), and that finally, the device cannot be repaired by the person reading the repairman's bible after all. The one person who did know how to fix the device, a dishwasher perhaps, lived long ago, died and wonderfully rose again (only to be called away to another part of the galaxy). The device can now only be repaired in the next life. Meanwhile, you are free to consider the device as OK - an imputed OK; it is 'virtually' OK. As far as the manufacturer is concerned, the device is OK - even though it does not work. Finallly the repairman's bible would end with a violent tale of the end, where the manufacturer clears creation of all defective merchandise - wherein people whose dishwasher had broken, and who had resorted to doing dishes by hand while considering that the manufacturer claimed that their product was OK, and being promised a working dishwasher 'in the next life', discover, on the manufacturer's return in the apocolyptic scenario, that they can now eat with their hands. The dishwasher now no longer will matter, in the future, when dishes and glasses have been done away with. Hallelujah.
1 comment:
materiality of the signifier
said Davis
When I noted that rain delays occur, but the rain continues to fall with the same speed.
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