The passage of time is certain. I once drew a cartoon where I alluded that the passage of time was stalled in committee. But a committee only seems like eternity. I once read in some Dutch theology of good Calvinist bent [Bavinck, I think it was], that we can't experience eternity like God, but we can participate in eternity. That is, we participate in eternity when we do what God does: pursue justice for the marginalized, give generously, be merciful, and love all creation and all people -- especially those of the household of faith. And this notion of participation joined to eternity seems present in the medieval doctrine of the wheel of Fortune: that the closer we are to the hub (the unmoved mover - who moves as he is beloved), the less we participate in Fate and the more we participate in Destiny: it is out on the rim, removed from the presence of God and the love that turns the planets and illumines the stars, that we feel lost to Fate, the recipients of unlucky accidents.
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