he describes himself as a comic element: comprising working-class, intellectual-class, creative-class qualities, quiddites and pretensions in an artistic send up of theology, a theological send up of art, and human send up of the human, all in an ironic non-ironic venture to enunciate his thoughts and feelings
he describes himself as outwardly modest, sedate, unassuming, albeit unkempt, rumpled, disorganized, while well read, well traveled, well
he describes himself as risk averse, though risking some things some times, yet defined as "high freedom", which seemingly indicates a propensity to risk: who discovers that while avoiding risk he creates the greatest risk situation of all; he is obscure and creates more obscurity as a way of being knowable but not necessarily known. You know him as a dare-deviled ham sandwiched egging on rank heroes - the ceremonial master of ceremonies
he describes himself as having been busy with besieging ephemera for too long - as if some adult told him, "always be sieged and besieging," - he beseeched besotted besought bees knighted
he describes himself as at home with chaos and organization, a method of non-methodical selection, a practice of chance meeting and indirect advance, that he learned from the storekeepers and mill workers of his youth, that there are speeds and intensities untapped in the work of a person's hands, which may do little if abatement of obscurity and neglect are the sole goal of striving
he describes himself as a complex series of subatomic collisions among nanoparticles configured along beams of beams airier than light conversation in a coffeehouse before coffeehouses became specialized writing centers composed of the disparate and desperate chain reactive socializations available in post-empire post-industrial america
he describes himself as falls asleep with the cat in his lap, both of us snoozing away, a beer and a volume of kierkegaard on the table
he describes himself as wave and particle, light and shadow, matter and empty, speed and composition, surface and variation, time and motion, a series of silences, a queue of occasions, a recounting of episodes, an elaboration of swans, a proposal of clouds, a front of weather, a back of the playing cards, a masque of personas, a smoke of mirrors
he describes himself as a topographic map of an internal tectonic process
he describes himself as a balloon made of made of tiny bits of mica, elevated by quarks, coursing along the boundary of a boundary in media res, sedate, volatile, votive, voting, electing, deploying, employing tongues and kindred every soul and voice, melancholy misbegotterdamerungen
he describes himself as the night sky in the mountains, the streams amplified fall down the valley, frost breathing ground crunching lumbering presence
he describes himself as looking, seeking, hoping for peace and calm, for patterns of grace and love in his life and in others
he describes himself as someone recovering from abuse and trauma, who feels anger "for no reason at all", who feels at times that he's holding together a sense of self that is all cracked up, but still somehow, holding its contents, refusing to utterly break up
he describes himself as someone who struggles with memory - not only in terms of historical events and key episodes of personal life, but also in terms of where the keys are and why he's standing in front of a shelf looking looking ... but for what
he describes himself as someone who doesn't care if anyone reads his wall: he is content to simply talk to himself and the occasional correspondent - and he hopes that people might respond to him, if they feel anyway inclined, out of a sense of kindness and curiosity, rather than obligation or guilt. He describes himself as someone whose are and life might bring some modicum of joy and calm in a symbolic world rife with distractions. Enjoy and respond or not.
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