Me: I like being Maestro, being Reverend Maestro is even better:
a sign of distinction.
Jami Moss Wise: Or pretension.
Me: No. My blood pressure's always been low
he describes himself as someone who's coming around and discovering his focus after too many years listening to other voices and weighing competing options, giving ground relative to his desire -
he describes himself as an indistinct age group
he describes himself as a participant and as a spectator in farce and tragedy
he describes himself as prone to anger, impatient with himself, projecting that impatience onto others, and generally in need of a sabbath from himself qua ego, qua needs, qua anxieties
he describes someone who had to learn how to grieve and what grief means over time, not all at once, but slice by slice
he describes himself as comfortable in his skin, at home in his body, on a business trip with his thoughts, a sightseeing excursion with his aura, a fact finding mission with his soul
he describes himself as continuing through all the griefs of life: those that engulf as well as wash up on shore
he describes himself as a memory or series of memories of something that may have happened
he describes himself as a re-description of a reflection upon himself as seen from a different perspective, as how he would describe himself if such description could account for some understanding outside himself; he understands that he demonstrates himself, that description entails a vantage point of time or space, that even in its objectivity, distorts any description of himself or others he might make; thus he describes himself as kind in expectation of kindness, disavowing information as encumbered with judgments problematic and misrecognized
he describes himself as waiting out into the surffering au courant under toed you sew, like Odysseus : where noman had gone before
he describes himself as in need of a spiritual retreat in order to make a spiritual advance - but the words: retreat, advance - they're all wrong - as are growth, understanding, insight
he describes himself as the consummate master of comedic technique: material, delivery, craft honed over the decades - bon mots, witticisms, word play, observation, vignette, narration, pathos, bathos, farce - the sturm und drang resident in the human condition.
he describes himself with an intricate set of antique calipers, weights, scales, slides, formulae, pigments, chronometers, etc as ardent in his ardency, mercurial in his mercuriality, and celerous in his celerity; post dispatch in his journaling, with a timed picayune in his stammer, an a blind argosy in his ruminations
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