Saturday, October 05, 2013

more self description

he describes himself using various aides: micrometer, gyroscope, dowsing rods, sextant, x-rays, mass spectroscopy, dunking stool, anemometer, chronometer, electron microscope, and carbon paper

he describes himself as a collage of semi-archival material, detritus salvaged along life's way and organized into a Merzbau revival service of ironic belief

he describes himself as someone who journeys to the Himalayas for a correctly tailored suit; who learned to tie his shoes properly at the lamasery; who taught penguins to properly fix a rich fragrant cup of tea 
  • Suzanne Bell yep, that's what I thought. keep it up, Master, friend. keep it up and keep us going into new reams of thought. though I might remind you, the mind is the servant of the master, the maker, the defender of the soul. let that soul be free.
    11 hours ago · Unlike · 1
  • Fred Wise What siren song my sister, if I might say sotto voce, render you some freight of response and aphoristic shape, as supple and plain garbed to my ashplant signaled musings on sandymount bank on the outer rocky montebanks, vouchsafes rhythms and tonality to my soul?
  • Suzanne Bell look to the highest point in the photograph. some twin towers of the soul been torn down to show you its heart, its song-sorrow, its plight in the wicked wind of mind's eye, and men.
    11 hours ago · Unlike · 1
  • Fred Wise our skyline is a hodgepodge of architecture's fads over the last half century, and set in the midst of it, a polite salt cellar, the golden domed capitol - the only regret in the view is that the blue domed Hyatt, with its rotating restaurant, is now boxed in, like a childhood Christmas ornament, by newer more serious structures.
    10 hours ago · Like · 1

he describes himself as someone whose driving is academic: there's the passing lane and there's the failing lane

he describes himself as intoxicated with life

he describes himself as a topographic map

he describes himself as someone who gets too excited, too eager, to be the smartest, the most correct, but he's learning to live through his anxiety, to find some quiet within, some point of grace to stand on in the symbolic world of humanity

he describes himself as spinning

he describes himself allusively as a catalog of traits and anecdotes proffering vignettes of imagined and unimaginable events, episodes, follies, parties, engagements, soirees, sorties, and schedulings where he acted out, enacted, proacted, protracted, detracted, transitioned, and perorated.

he describes himself as invisible, negligible, a shadow of his future self - unlike his take no prisoners hell bent for leather alter ago who's in all the papers and passes via word of mouth through the loftiest perches of society

he describes himself as someone who is grateful for kindness

he describes himself as someone who's struggled most of his life to obtain the express written consent of major league baseball

he describes himself as a battle of wits, a game of chess played with monopoly tokens, souvenir shot glasses, and origami swans

he describes himself as becoming better with some set backs, puzzling along finding open doubt preferable to fake certainty, daily grief preferable to bottled optimism

he describes himself as a labyrinth: minotaur pasiphae theseus ariadne minos dadelus all rolled into a trifle for the gods

he describes himself as someone who doesn't like description, who lives a nondescript life, under the radar at the dew line

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