Catelina, hiding under the chest: what is she thinking? A big space, known quantities, and yet, she'd rather be under a chest in the bedroom. I had so much more to write today. I'm grading papers, reading Barth (4.1 - which I recommend vigorously, especially the section detailing the human condition; then read Farley's Good and Evil and Becker's Denial of Death with maybe Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript: it's a real handle on the human condition, our own existential predicament). The latest issue of Poetry is the translation issue and I recommend that people go to Border's and get a copy (April is poetry month also) - the translations are wonderful and the comments by the translators are very inspiring (this is what we do with the Greek and Hebrew in exegesis, treading that line between literalism and catching the punch in the gut of the original). Poetry is the best small magazine to subscribe to and in April a year's subscription is half off - 17 bucks.
Jami and I ate at the Federal today - the one place in Durham that comes closest to Twains. It has an incredible pork sandwich and the garlic fries - --- heaven. Now that spring is here, take Milton's Comus and read it on the green aloud with friends - it's great with a couple of IPAs.
Let art carry you away. Let poetry carry you away. Let your creativity, the expression of God's image in you, carry you away. When we create, we participate with God in God's creation; when we refuse to create, we miss out on God's joy in creation. At least skip stones across some water in the waning of the sunlight.
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