And holding a moonbeam in your hand is only a problem like Maria. The problem that is Maria was probably solved with electro-convulsive therapy - a scene that is only available on the director's cut. More importantly though-- Maria can ordinarily be solved in time: she will outgrow some of her idiosyncrasies. Actually the problem is not so much with Maria, but with the people who carp about her, who try to solve her. Their song could by better sung, "how do you accept someone who'd different than your conventions allow?"
As we follow this line of thought along, we discover that encoded in Roger's and Hammerstein's musicals is a foretelling of the global war on terror. "Corn as high as an elephant's eye", "Our state fair is a great state fair", "Some enchanted evening, you will meet a stranger": these and other songs bode dire tidings for the future. God help us if on some enchanted evening some stranger might be welding a moonbeam in their hands against us.
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Fred, I've found you!!!
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