Friday, February 01, 2008

More Icy rain and snow falling on China

By Tuesday yahoo/weather says that temperatures should be 70 here in Durham. But today it's in the 30s. I know that winter is supposed to be cold, but I've never gotten used to it. I remember, back in 1982, in January, my first quarter at UGA, snow accumulated up to 6 inches. I went into drawing class at 1:30 and when I left at 4 the ground was covered with snow. I couldn't get my car out and I was stranded. At the time I was new to Athens and didn't know any thing about getting around the city. I was generally trapped in my room- an apartment in someone's house. I cooked soup on a hot plate. I was miserable.
Above is the last painting I did in my Decatur studio.

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