As all should go well, and it should go well, we now have a home in Durham, a fine home, a home with warmth and a yard and a great upstairs room and with a studio in the back yard: a place where we can spend the next decade or so - whatever our time in Durham - and work and create and play and entertain and live and love; and a place where the kittens can gambol and romp and practice kitten kindness with each other; all in a neighborhood where we can walk and stroll and linger and journey and saunter and jog and lag behind and leap ahead. And it's a dizzying pace to go but long over due. And what can I say right now: I have a cat sleeping on my shoulders making it uncomfortable to sit here and type. And I have to be at work in a few hours. But the weekend comes and Joe and I will have a beer or two at Twain's tomorrow - all being well. Meanwhile Colorado is about to go down two games in the World Series to the Red Sox - the team that stayed in Boston (I root for the team that left Boston).
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