Thursday, May 08, 2014

error discovery

A child responds to a question with a correct answer. The answer is also incorrect. This is the short circuit of the world in nuce. 

We make correct judgments about others. Our correct judgments are erroneous themselves.

I judge and feel judged. The more I feel judged the more I judge. I must be punished. Someone must be punished. I must pay. Someone's going to pay.

Into this Mexican standoff, Christ came and told us to put down our judgment. Let go of the throat. Unclench the fist. Relax. Breathe. Pause. Empty your mind. Consider the part of prayer that is listening. That requires silence. Especially the voice inside your head and my head, the voice that spurs on to vengeance, that fills overflowing with righteous indignation. Such righteous indignation, rage, wrath. Dies Irae - for those keeping score.

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