he describes himself in Rabelaisian terms as far as appetite, the consumption of quantities, the quantification of quiddities, the liquidation of quandaries, the quadratics of equanimities, the equanimous accomodations
he describes himself as sentimental: spending hours lost in reverie; swimming through imagined memories; climbing along escarpments of closure
he describes himself as haphazardly gnostic, following in the path of Bruno, Paracelsus, and Sebastian Castello - who said, "to kill a man in defense of a doctrine, is only to kill a man" (a 16th century observation with contemporary pertinence).
he describes himself as a one-man soloist, a one-man sea saw virtuoso, a one-man one man band of brothers, a one man only child grown up into an only child among many one-men soloists for unaccompanied orchestra and viol, whose family motto - here, amuse yourself until we get home - e monobus pluriem, or some such - self-taught, self taut, self tested, self disposed
he describes himself as a paragon of fine tuned moral sensibility, trained in causuistric declensions of ethical faceting, versed in multifarious polysemous penumbras that aggregate and congregate on the surface micro-magnetism of discourse
the ego is a tiny structure created for psychic defense on a vast ocean of repressed or foreclosed symbolic meaning that is also the individual's - meanings all too often projected onto others and which thus pass from a person's self reflection.
he describes himself as shot out of a cannon by l'll orphan annie oakley as daddy warbucks beatnicks of time in tune with the changing canon of midwestern civilization to deliver a stirring address to the assembled assemblage assembly assembling of his peers
he describes himself as self unsufficient, as semi-autodidactic, as un-self reliant, in a spiral out of the loop, remembering outside of the box that he left his keys in there
he describes himself as an obscure camera obscura, a penumbrella, having a blind spot, his right eye, a terror incognito, whar bee minsters
he describes himself as tall - the first thing you have to ask is "relative to what or who?"; and then he goes on to describe himself as swift and organized - and you think but don't ask; finally he goes on about his marksmanship and the subtleties of his short game: he begins assertions with "for those of us versed in the lore ...." or "where I shine is in the ....", and of course there isn't a suitable stick anywhere around ...
he describes himself as consumed with patience patiently consuming a consummate consumer whose great great grandmother died of consumption
he describes himself with caveats and qualifications, lapsing into asides and parentheses, backed up subordinate clauses, deprecations concealing missteps, masks, mirrors, diversion, trompe l'oiel abstractions, camouflage, false flags, indirection, misdirection, et cie
he loves the text about Christ meeting the ten leopards, how he helps them not so much change their spots as accept them. Like the leopards, our own lives encounter rough spots that we seem to carry around with us for years. But these brands need not be taken as signs of incompleteness - they can, by grace, become tokens of enduring love - as one of the leopards in the story comes to recognize.
he finds himself described in what always feels like one of those dubious personality typing tests:
Four with a Five Wing: The Bohemian
Healthy 4w5's brings profound creativity and insights of the intrapsychic sort. Their emotions are more under-the-surface than 4w3's, and more private modes of communication (such as writing) are preferred. They have intellectual as well as emotional insights and can often synthesize experiences into something intensely personal yet timeless.
Average 4w5's are devoted to cultivation of a personal worldview, often by philosophical or artistic means. They are more likely than the 4w3's to be reclusive and out-of-touch with the greater social world, and to compensate they adopt unconventional/eccentric ways of life. They can be purposefully obscure and enigmatic in their expressions, then have an elitist and contemptuous view of those who failed to understand them. They tend to withdraw for prolonged periods under stress which can leave them further isolated. As a result, they are prone to hallucinatory states and total alienation.
Unhealthy 4w5's inhabit a terrifying fantasy-world of their own creation. Their emotional torments are turned inward, causing severe depression and self-destructive thoughts. While average 4w5's can romantize death, unhealthy 4w5's plunge into it.
Famous 4w5's
Johnny Depp, Bob Dylan, Virginia Woolf, "Lin Daiyu", Søren Kierkegaard, John Keats, Sylvia Plath

he describes himself as someone who takes a book off a shelf in order to put it in a stack until he's cleared off enough shelf space to put the stack back on the shelf - this is his contribution to library science, like a widow's mite or something about mustard seeds and castanets into the bibliographic deep
he describes himself as enamoured of the legend of st luke painting the virgin and how this traditions carries on into modern times
he describes himself as mounting the summit, breaching the pinnacle, surmounting the vale,