I could paint a picture, or describe in words, the projections and counter projections endemic to our society; how most arguments are set against a straw man, filled with vehemence and judgment. Watching the media, reading papers and blogs: one might draw the conclusion that the mass of humanity is disconnected from the reality of life.
I think Deleuze describes this well - albeit in jargon that presents difficulties to people casually opening his books. People desire freedom. People also desire approval. When people move about the world they are threatened by difference. It is hard to see difference as a good thing. So some people, out of paranoia, attach themselves to large social entities - a church, a corporation, the military, the judicial system, government. Other people, see difference but instead of attaching themselves to the large social entities, want to fight these entities. They are afraid not of difference so much, but of being enveloped, becoming mere ciphers, lost in a large enterprise. These people easily attach themselves to people of similar fears,having also needs for relationship - but also nervousness about being engulfed, and they join sects. Not Church but sect; Not corporation but shop; Not military but militia; various libertarian dreamlands. The tenor of these places is fundamentalist - that they're true believers, true upholders of the constitution, true practitioners of capitalism. Deleuze describes this as the subjective black hole; the large entities as the wall of the signifier. It's scylla and charydis - two outcomes of fascism: one outside and the other inside. The person in the hole shakes his fist at the signifier; he is angry and directs his anger at the large entity - but he is angry because he's imprisoned; he's imprisoned himself. He is in the hole of his subjectivity, and he knows he's not free, which angers him - but he directs his anger, not at the hole, but at the signifier. The signifier doesn't care. His companions in the hole want to keep him in the hole - the fantasy of being "the real christians", "the real patriots", "the real capitalists" will yet play out!
Deleuze recommends avoiding the black hole and the signifier. His counsel for freedom is making connections, experimenting, with this in mind: connections don't close off but open up; experiments yield further experiments. Don't judge. Create!
I described this to my therapist and he said that it is my drawing that has saved me. I've drawn my way away from paranoia and out of black holes. Without drawing and painting, sometimes outlandish nudes, but often descriptions of pain - pain that I was feeling, even as I cooperated in my imprisonment, I would have remained in some hole (for me various tiny churches).
Now I'm out. I've been out - but I understand what I'm out from.
I know who I am and what I need.
And I'm only 50.
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