Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas

My last post, which while I was writing it, seemed like a comedic tour de force of bathos, erudition, and existential reverie, in the mode of Beckett, instead was a dense, recursive jungle of syntax. I realized this last night when I was talking to Jami, who had attempted at least twice to move through it but was repulsed. She promises she'll keep trying. She's lovely and wonderful, but I know that it may just not be worth the effort. I still like it, though; it is my grotesque child.
Here's the gist: a verse is sung in a holiday hymn where people, who've made a good faith effort to come for a train, discover that there was only one train and that it has moved on without them. You might as well sing a hymn about Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot, except that this would be "just missing Godot."
Let's not start that again.
Here I've put up three Christmas card images I drew 7 years ago. One image I couldn't find, but which I have a paper copy of somewhere in my stored papers at the apartment, is of Santa swigging back a Coke, captioned overhead: "Congratulations! It's December 26th and you've just finished laying off the last of 20,000 elves - the stock will go through the roof! In the Spirit of the holidays, have a Coke and a Smile."
These three depict Santa as Lecher; as falling asleep with the remote in one hand, his cigarette having fallen out of the other onto the carpet where it'll make a nice bonfire; and as Nietzschean anti-hero, shaking his fist at the heavens.
What is this antipathy I have toward Santa? What has made him the object of my shadowy projections?
Oh Yeah.
Well more fodder for my counseling session.


madsquirrel said...

Naughty indeed.

nostromo said...

He knows when you are sleeping.
Am I the only one that this bothers?
Futurama does have the killer robot Santa.

Cathelou said...

I like the last sentence of yesterday's post. If that helps.