Squint real hard - now you can see it a bit better. I have this idea, gleaned from other sources, that Church, in the future will not be site specific but event oriented. That is, people will arrive at any old place and perform Church. They will gather the materials of personal symbology and create environments symbolic of their spiritual journey. Like my somewhat celtic pavement design above, it's not quite in focus now. What if the church got out of its buildings and into the places where people lived? What if people approached Church more like a fair or carnival? Chuck and Stan at Columbia pushed something like this idea, and we even attempted it on the quad, but I am not sure that we ever attempted it as an example of an ordinary church service. The key is the unscripted nature of it. For me, such a move is important because of the freedom it invites: people can work individually or in groups, in something great or small. The only specification is that it will take place at a certain time and location. The Word will be preached and hymns hawed. Prayers will be prayed.
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