Friday, January 24, 2014

a meeting at the cross roads

This afternoon, on the seminary campus, I ran into two old friends, who, since I call myself Nostromo, I'll name Miguelito and Claude. We assume hardy aliases here on today's frozen turf. So auspicious was the moment that I set the timer on the camera: allowing me to pose us all together.

Claude took the device and captured Miguelito and me demonstrating proven stewardship techniques.

Then a standard shot for our professional dossiers.

Next Miguelito took some snaps of Claude and me.

I can't remember what we were talking about here - but our arms were waving significantly [not pictured here].

Finally Miguelito demonstrated how through applying theological pressure points known only to the most echt-gnostic tribe, he is able to make Claude's head explode.

Let this be a warning to novices and neophytes.

Claude then demonstrated the technique of "slaying in the spirit."

Something I attempt only after several shots of Lagavulin.

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