Tuesday, March 26, 2013

orange trunks


Is not the existence of money, per se

But the movement of that money: hence currency

When money isn't moving, it is non-existent - that is: it is not currency

Capitalism needs liquidity to move: there is no trickling

hence the real measures are measures of flow: balance sheets of accumulations are illusory

in that simply having money doesn't make a person a capitalist - what is required is that that money be put in motion

If we had a view of an economy more like a game of hot potato than a game of musical chairs

where the difference is between the goal of keeping moving vs the goal of being caught chairless

today, the game seems to be keep away

funny how these games are with us our whole lives

there are games that bring people together

and games that value one person over others

personally I prefer games that help connect me

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